Saturday, October 30, 2010

Justice Breyer's Law Review Article Revisited

Next Thursday, November 4, George Washington University Law School will hold an event called: Justice Stephen Breyer's "The Uneasy Case for Copyright": A 40th Anniversary Symposium.

The title in quotations is a 1970 law review article written by then-Harvard professor Stephen Breyer (84 Harv. L. Rev. 281) and he will speak at the symposium.  Per an event description, "The article both articulated a theoretical framework for assessing copyright law, and conducted a study of the publishing industry to provide empirical grounds for such an assessment.  Forty years later, debate over the goals and efficacy of copyright and of other forms of intellectual property has only increased, and Justice Breyer's article continues to occupy a prominent place in that debate."  The presenters, in addition to Justice Breyer, include "distinguished legal academics and economists from the United States and abroad."

Professor Robert Brauneis ( is listed as the contact.