News from around the circuits, posted last week and linked below by topic or party. For daily news updates, follow @AppellateDaily on Twitter.
First Circuit (Armenian genocide/curriculum, hockey dad appeal, mental illness/habeas, and honest services fraud)
Second Circuit (ACORN, protective order, and Oneida Indians)
Third Circuit (securities fraud, music promoter, SCT report card-Part I,* SCT report card-Part II, and honest services fraud)
Fourth Circuit (restroom towel dispenser and death sentence)
Fifth Circuit (sanction order, Roger Clemens, single-gender classes, Fourth Amendment, police dept./discrimination, Hurricane Katrina/insurance,* tobacco settlement, mental disability/death sentence-1, and mental disability/death sentence-2)
Sixth Circuit (pregnant welder, honest services fraud, officer turned robber, wrongful conviction, and wrongful death)
Seventh Circuit ($1.67B blunder, threatened judges, and trucking/insurance)
Eighth Circuit (Sierra Club, military/discrimination, police shooting-1, police shooting-2, investment scheme, and mental disability/death sentence)
Ninth Circuit (Prop. 8, $22M fee swing, AOL/trademark-audio (beg.), alien smuggling/sentencing, logging, amicus brief/AZ immigration, wild horse roundup, and marijuana advocate)
Tenth Circuit (Osage Nation/taxation and trucking)
Eleventh Circuit (Hitler-era bond default, ex-politician, and sewer scandal)
DC Circuit (circuit split)
Federal Circuit (joint infringement and process patents)
Thanks to Topix and How Appealing for many of these links.
*Dated prior to last week.